A Greenhouse Tour...

Out in the country, along a back road, sits a greenhouse full of lush plants along with myriad colorful plants and vegetables outside. With no big sign out front it would be easy to pass right by…but you’d miss the fun!
Come and visit A Better Way Produce & Nursery with me. We began our tour in a greenhouse full of flowering vines and plants…and one feisty rooster! I noticed that Brita, who graciously showed me around, always stood between me and her feathery friend saying, “he sometimes likes to attack”. I was protected until she had to step out for a phone call. What happened next was hysterical! As soon as she moved from between us that little rooster walked calmly to the door, craned his neck in the direction she walked, as if to be sure she was really gone and, once satisfied, whirled around to “attack”! Being a “chicken” myself, I screamed for Brita and she came through the door and stuck out a booted foot just in time to save my ankles! He flew back, though she never touched him, and I swear he glared at me!
We continued our walk through the beautiful foliage, the little rooster trailing at a safe distance, happy to follow along now that we knew he was the boss! The soft light in a greenhouse is ideal for capturing the beauty of the plants:

Ground Orchid
After walking through the greenhouse we ventured outside and around the garden and
shade house….

I took home some of this lettuce…it’s beautiful and tasty (Flashy Oak Leaf) and a beautiful Hellebore:
After enjoying all the flowers the real fun began when Brita released 8,000 ladybugs into her garden! But, that’s a story for next time!
A Better Way Produce & Nursery is located at 3615 Stony Point Road, Santa Rosa. They are open 7 days a week 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.