Cut Flower Test

Cut Flower Test

You know how you see all those “ways to keep flowers fresh” articles? I decided to start testing a few of them to see if they work to keep cut flowers from my garden fresh longer.

I started with some  Shasta Daisies.  I picked them in the cool of the morning. They were well watered and all in about the same stage of opening . (That’s important or your test won’t work since the older flowers will die faster…) I put  1/4 teaspoon of sugar and a penny in one vase (thanks Pinterest) and plain water in the other, kept them out of the sun in a cool room of the house and photographed them three times in the course of a week.  Here are the results:

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So, what ways have you used or heard about to keep cut flowers fresh longer? I’m ready to try a few more tests!