gin'gilli's Vintage Home in Geyserville...Oh Yes!

If you like vintage….I mean vintage anything…head to Geyserville now! Today, on a leisurely Sunday drive, we headed to Geyserville to take a look around and check out parking for the Lighted Tractor Parade coming on November 29th. I remembered a little vintage shop I’d seen years before so we headed north on the main street and stopped by. Oh wow! It’s grown and it’s grand!
Don’t let the simple entrance fool you…it wraps around toward the back and it’s a vintage wonderland!
I picked up darling ornaments for some ornament exchange parties on the calendar and a hob nail milk glass surprise for my daughter that I can’t wait to give her!
They have a great kitchen section:
Some vintage antiques…sorry there’s more but I was drawn to the camera:).
They also have some great garden finds including bird feeders birth baths, and yard art!
It’s just such a great place full of such fun finds…even my husband didn’t mind wandering around!
Oh and if you’re interesting in the painting technique using milk paints….well, I noticed they not only sell them, they have a class so you can learn how to use them!
On the way out I noticed this little flower frog. I have many of these left to me by my grandmother…can’t wait to set them out to hold pictures and cards…what a clever idea!
We wanted to grab a quick lunch after our shopping and one of their friendly ladies recommended the Geyserville Grille. Good choice! It’s in what used to be an old home and it’s lovely. One of us had Cinnamon Vanilla French Toast and the other a Sonoma Greens salad with roasted chicken…it was delicious!
You might want to go soon while the vineyards are still awash in fall colors…there are golden vines everywhere up there!
You can find the Vintage Home here and here if you want to learn more. I don’t usually go so crazy over a shop but, really, this place is a treat! And, oh yes, they wrap things up beautifully!
One little note: This was not a photo trip so I didn’t bring my big camera…so….these are all cell phone pics…oops! Never leave home without your camera. But, at least you get an idea of how it looks!