Grow Your Own Babys Breath!

If you love making flower arrangements you’ll definitely want to grow your own Baby’s Breath (gypsophila) when you read how easy it is!
I have had the “Happy Festival” plant pictured above for 10 years. It started out planted from a 4″ pot into a large raised bed. When the bed fell apart I dug it out and planted it in a large clay pot where it has bloomed happily for the past 3 years. You just can’t beat this “Happy” baby’s breath plant! (Sad news: I called around and no nursery can supply this variety now…Bristol fairy seems to be the alternative! You’d think a plant this great that grows on and on this long would always be available!)
Since baby’s breath is a perennial plant it dies back a little in winter but then pops right up and into full bloom each spring. The first flush of bloom is always the best:
But, if you cut it back after the initial bloom and give it a little food it blooms again! Maybe not quite as vigorously as the first flush of blossoms but a really nice bloom and enough for bouquets.
Mine are watered automatically with a drip line and small sprinkle head so they are kept evenly moist with a little drying out period every other day and it seems to work well. The roots and leaves are fleshy and somewhat thick so they don’t dry out drastically if they get a little less water.
Cut the flowers in the morning rather than during a hot afternoon and they will last longer. They last nearly a week in an arrangement and often longer than the flowers they are surrounding in a bouquet. And, the fragrance is wonderful!
Though you may not be able to find my favorite variety, there are others like Bristol Fairy that are worth trying! Baby’s breath adds such a delicate touch to bouquets I wouldn’t want to be without some in the garden…
For light airy flowers and a soft sweet scent you can’t beat baby’s breath! Fall is a great time to plant perennials so there’s no time like the present to add some to your cutting garden!